Oneness of God
- "Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD"
The Oneness of God Study Guide
(109 pgs. loosed-leaf bound; $40.00; available for shipment to the 48 states of US only)

The Oneness of God Study Guide is based on my well over 30 years of teaching and authoring three books on oneness: The Three Manifestations of Jesus: Biblical Truth on the Oneness of God (1987), The Doctrine of Oneness: A Study of Biblical Monotheism (1988), and In Defense of Oneness (1994). All these books are now out of print.

No separate book is needed with this study guide; all material is incorporated into each lesson unit. All necessary scriptures are given with the spotlight on key passages. Lessons are given in bite-sized portions to allow biblical principles to be easily grasped.

Each lesson unit is divided into three sections (see sample lesson sheet below): study scriptures, introduction, and key scriptures. The introduction is based on the study scriptures. Although there are other corroborating passages in the Bible, the author feels these are representative of the concepts in view. The introduction provides an explanation of the unit's topic and sometimes draws on history to help explain a concept. Key scriptures are individual verses in which explanations are provided in order to enhance the student's grasp of the lesson.

Oneness guide also includes a glossary of biblical terminology concerning God's oneness and a glossary of unbiblical terminology. Charts are provided to give a simplified presentation of oneness concepts. In addition, we have included selected excerpts from historical oneness believers through the centuries such as William Penn, Michael Servetus, and Emanuel Swedenborg.

Lesson units

Unit 1- Evidence of God
Unit 2- The Attributes of God
Unit 3- The Attributes of God II
Unit 4- The Oneness of God From the Old Testament
Unit 5- The Oneness of God From the New Testament
Unit 6- The Proper Name of God in the Old Testament
Unit 7- Jehovistic Compound Names
Unit 8- Other Names of God
Unit 9- Prophetic Declaration and Identification of Jesus in the Book of Genesis
Unit 10- Jesus is God (a study of I Am)
Unit 11- Jesus is God (a study of the 7 I Am's)
Unit 12- Jesus Identified As Jehovah
Unit 13- God in Man
Unit 14- The Two Natures of Jesus (God/man)
Unit 15- Son of God/Son of Man
Unit 16- On the Right Hand
Unit 17- The Name of the Father
Unit 18- The Name of the Holy Ghost
Unit 19- The Godhead
Unit 20- Father, Son, Holy Ghost ... Three Manifestations of God
Unit 21- Jesus is the Name of God
Unit 22- Plural Pronouns, But One God
Unit 23- The Son in Prophecy (in the Old Testament)
Unit 24- Oneness Through Paul's Salutation
Unit 25- Deity of Christ Through Sharpe's Rule
Unit 26- Elohim
Unit 27- 'Echad' and Oneness
Unit 28- God and the Word
Unit 29- The Baptism of Jesus
Unit 30- Revelation 5
Unit 31- Historical Development of the Doctrine of the Trinity
Unit 32- The Athanasian Creed
Unit 33- Oneness and the Jehovah's Witnesses
Unit 34- Jesus Pre-Existed the Titles Father, Son, Holy Ghost
Unit 35- The Nicean Creed
Unit 36- The Lamb
Unit 37- Understanding Difficult Scriptures in Isaiah

> Study guide